Value chains based on the use of biodiversity have gained considerable importance over the past years, with the use of genetic resources being an important component. The  Nagoya Protocol is the global framework for regulating the access to genetic resources and the sharing of the benefits from their use. The principle of Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS) is simple: If someone wants to access a genetic resource to conduct research and ultimately develop a product, (s)he also needs to share the generated benefits with the providing country and, in many instances, the local providers. For governments this means they need to be aware of the relevant processes and players to ensure ABS-compliant value chains. This is not an easy task as from the harvesting of the genetic resource to the launch of the product, multiple jurisdictions and responsibilities are involved.

This is where this visualisation tool comes into play. It supports governments of countries providing genetic resources – among others, national focal points and competent national authorities - to regulate complex value chains based on genetic resources and the traditional knowledge on their use.

Through the tool, you will get a quick, clear visual overview of the value chain processes and players and their interrelations. It will help you to obtain more profound knowledge for decision making and exchanges. The four principal advantages you gain from the tool are to

  • improve administration and management of ABS systems, specifically with regard to bioprospecting and biotrade value chains,
  • making negotiations on ABS agreements more efficient and effective,
  • trigger exchanges between value chain stakeholders, and
  • receive inputs for discussions on the development and support of local providers.

Of course, you can use the tool anytime from anywhere provided you have already registered (sign in

Please, note that the tool is not intended to replace existing ABS procedures or to create a parallel structure.

For any questions, please contact us: